
Letter to the editor for Dec. 17, 2024

With the holiday season upon us, I’m taking this time to reflect on the blessings and challenges of ...


Letter to the editor for Nov. 11, 2024

The election results from Baker County are a strong case for returning to a 5-day school week. The ...


Letter: Be wary of eliminating the Electoral College

I read David Felley’s letter about the need to abolish the Electoral College with sadness. He states “we ...


Letter: We need to nix the Electoral College

It is clear during this presidential election that there is a massive voter fraud being committed in this ...


Letter: The road to socialism sinks us all

The road to socialism: Tax the rich that have so much and need to little and give to ...


Letter: Summerville resident thankful for firefighting efforts

On Saturday, Oct. 26, our area government and volunteer fire fighters gathered and worked cooperatively to put out ...


Letter: Join a Republican in voting Harris/Walz

I’d like to offer some thoughts for your consideration. I am a voter who originally registered as a ...


Letter: The election is a matter of values

I have worked internationally for several decades, often in developing/Third World countries. One thing I learned is that ...


Letter to the editor for Oct. 22, 2024

As a citizen member of our Baker City Budget Board I fully support the potential annexation of property ...


Letter: Measure 118 makes food more expensive

Growing food for the world is an important part of Oregon’s legacy and economy. Farmers and ranchers work ...

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