Latest Wildfires Archives - bakercityherald


Crews holding fire in Elkhorns at 7 acres

Fire crews have kept a wildfire on the east slopes of the Elkhorn Mountains northwest of Haines at ...


Fire crews respond to lightning blaze burning in Eagle Cap Wilderness

Wallowa-Whitman National Forest fire crews are using water drops from helicopters to limit the spread of a 25-acre ...


Firefighters douse two small lightning holdover fires near Granite

Firefighters have controlled two small “holdover” fires, sparked by recent lightning but not detected until later, in the ...


Reward of $8,000 offered for information about July fires in Malheur County

VALE — The Oregon Cattlemen’s Association and the Bureau of Land Management’s Vale District are offering a reward ...


Wildfires continue to make homeowner insurance expensive, hard to get

Wildfires will continue to threaten not only homes in Oregon, but also the ability of homeowners to ensure ...


Oregon Department of Forestry lowering fire danger rating in NE Oregon

With cooler temperatures and widespread rain showers continuing, the Oregon Department of Forestry will reduce the fire danger ...


Baker County residents affected by wildfires encouraged to attend public meeting

People affected by the unprecedented series of wildfires this summer in Baker County, including homeowners and ranchers, are ...


Firefighters corral lightning blaze about 7 miles north of Durkee; rain helps temper fire danger

Firefighters have nearly contained a 65-acre wildfire started by lightning on Wednesday, Sept. 11, on private rangeland about ...


Crews douse several small lightning fires

Fire crews have doused several more small wildfires sparked by lightning on Sunday, Sept. 8. Most of the ...


Survey shows minor soil damage for most of Town Gulch Fire

Forest Service employees have estimated that more than three-quarters of the area burned in the Town Gulch Fire ...

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