Letter: Math on Measure 118 doesn’t add up
Measure 118 is poorly designed policy. It claims to give money to Oregonians by taxing Oregon businesses on ...
Measure 118 is poorly designed policy. It claims to give money to Oregonians by taxing Oregon businesses on ...
It has come to the attention of the Baker County Democrats that 40 Baker County citizens with Kamala ...
I got a kick out of reading that our state government wants to hire someone/something to determine our ...
It’s not an easy time to be a Republican, if you are an honest conservative. The adage that ...
Since 2020, there have been 208 school shootings in the United States. The shooters have come from a ...
Received in today’s mail (9/11/2024) a renewal notice from Metro West Baker Ambulance Service for Ground Ambulance Membership, ...
Hospitals are places of healing, hope, and health. They provide 24/7 care to patients and work with community ...
I’m puzzled. It’s apparently fine to fast-track a $10 monthly safety fee on Baker City residents’ water bills ...
Dear firefighters: Just wanted to let you know, we see you, we really do! We are so grateful ...
Like a lot of folks, I’ve become increasingly alarmed about the more-and-more frequent reports about the health — ...