Latest Columns Archives - bakercityherald


COLUMN: Pondering the ubiquitous residential storage shed

I have for the whole of my life almost completely ignored, and without realizing my oversight, the most ...


COLUMN: Peering into the past of NE Oregon wildlife

I am treated occasionally to a written historical account so vivid in its details that I feel almost ...


COLUMN: Delving into the details of the 2024 election — and the dispute between Eagle and Pine valleys

Baker County doesn’t have an rural-urban political divide to match the chasm that separates Oregon in many electoral ...


COLUMN: A benign use of cellphone tracking data

I know that my cellphone leaves a trail of digital breadcrumbs but I’ve never thought much about who ...


COLUMN: Spring just couldn’t wait for March

Spring refused to wait for its month. Not that the season truly has a month all its own ...


COLUMN: Trump can cut the fat, but can he actually balance the budget?

The federal government’s prodigious aptitude for spending money is hardly a secret. Indeed, the feds’ profligacy has inspired ...


COLUMN: Peering into the past of NE Oregon wildlife

I am treated occasionally to a written historical account so vivid in its details that I feel almost ...


COLUMN: Pondering the ubiquitous residential storage shed

I have for the whole of my life almost completely ignored, and without realizing my oversight, the most ...


COLUMN: A benign use of cellphone tracking data

I know that my cellphone leaves a trail of digital breadcrumbs but I’ve never thought much about who ...


COLUMN: Delving into the details of the 2024 election — and the dispute between Eagle and Pine valleys

Baker County doesn’t have an rural-urban political divide to match the chasm that separates Oregon in many electoral ...

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