
Other views: The incoherence, contradictions and confusion of Alabama’s IVF decision

The Alabama Supreme Court decision on IVF and the GOP’s frantic reaction to disavow it, coupled with the ...


Other views: Bentz needs to do homework on wolves

Recently, Rep. Cliff Bentz discussed wolf management in a forum in Pendleton. During his presentation, Bentz is said ...


COLUMN: Mired in Postal Service propaganda

I treasure clear and concise writing but I also can’t help but admire its opposite. It’s a grudging ...


Other views: With threats mounting, investments in elections infrastructure are vital to Oregon

Every year, millions of Americans celebrate the luck of the Irish. Americans spent a record $6.9 billion in 2023 celebrating ...


COLUMN: Pondering the future of the Owyhee country

The man who walked into my office on a recent morning wanted to talk about the Owyhee Canyonlands. ...


Other views: Fight against Dollar store in Wallowa could play out elsewhere and give locals their voice

Dollar stores have become a big deal in Oregon, a central retail business in dozens of smaller communities. ...


Other views: The fallacy of federal funding and wildfire

Recent federal announcements declare that millions of federal dollars are coming to the West to “restore” forest health ...


Other views: Upholding the spirit of Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife

Oregon is a place of inspiration — from the beauty and grandeur of our great state to the ...


COLUMN: Why it’s a bad time to be a murderer

It’s a bad time to be a murderer. Which is a good thing, I think almost all of ...


Other views: ‘Welcome home’ Vietnam veterans — a greeting they developed for themselves

March 29 of every year is now set aside as Vietnam Veterans Day by Presidential Proclamation in 2012 ...

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