
COLUMN: A dropped baton can’t erase four Baker runners’ feat

If it was any race other than a relay, Baker’s state championship would have been official. But there ...


Capital chatter: Kotek’s unpopularity is a Brown legacy

Among the baffling aspects of Gov. Tina Kotek’s tenure is that she ranks among the nation’s least-popular governors, ...


COLUMN: Let’s get together to celebrate Baker City’s renaissance

In September of 2022, Gary Ernest Smith walked in the door of Crossroads. He asked us to do ...


COLUMN: Bran has been frosted, and sugar’s triumph is final

Bran flakes have been frosted, an official, factory-applied embellishment, and sugar’s triumph is at last complete. The outcome ...


EDITORIAL: Trio of recent crashes raises troubling issues

Three recent vehicle crashes illustrate the danger that people who drive while impaired can pose to anyone who ...


COLUMN: Lazy slobs foul public forests with their trash

At first I thought the pile of trash was a snowdrift. I wish it had been. From a ...


COLUMN: Shocked when landline phone breaks its long silence

I was enjoying the blissful mental stupefaction that only television can create when the headache-inducing electronic tone blared ...


Other views: Protect yourself from disinformation during 2024 elections

This election season, Oregonians could play a crucial role in deciding which party will control the U.S. House ...


COLUMN: Sanctity of the shelves: Celebrating library’s new challenge policy

The national tide of specious attempts to ban books from public libraries has not left its noxious flotsam ...


COLUMN: Watching brief human stories play out in the airport

The boy, perhaps 5 or a precocious 6, glanced to his right as he approached the glass door ...

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