BLM enacting fire restrictions
Published 3:42 pm Monday, June 28, 2021
- BLM restrictions
The Bureau of Land Management’s Vale District is enacting more stringent fire season restrictions, including a ban on campfires, starting Thursday, July 1.
Cross-country travel with motor vehicles, including ATVs, will also be prohibited; vehicles must be on roads clear of vegetation.
Users of BLM land can use stoves, heaters, portable grills and other equipment that runs on liquified gas, as well as gas-powered generators, so long as the device is in an area cleared of flammable debris for at least 10 feet around.
“It is uncommonly drier than normal in Eastern Oregon, which is why we are entering into fire restrictions earlier than we have the last few years,” said Tracy Skerjanec, fire management officer for the Vale District, which includes BLM land in Baker County, mainly south and east of Baker City. “Rising temperatures combined with minimal precipitation throughout June have now cured the annual grasses and other fine fuels that carry fire quickly.”
Rainfall at the Baker City Airport through June 28 was about 20% of average for the months.
Chain saw use will be prohibited starting July 1, as well as the use of steel core ammunition, metal targets and all explosives, including exploding targets.
“We still want people to enjoy their public lands, but we have to balance that with reasonable restrictions to prevent wildfires,” said Al Crouch, the Vale District’s fire mitigation and education specialist. “Statistically, fires caused by motorized vehicles and trailers are second only to lightning starts.”
More information is available at