Letters to the Editor for Feb. 7, 2018
Published 12:50 pm Wednesday, February 7, 2018
Idaho Power’s story about B2H doesn’t hold water
After reading the article in Friday’s Baker City Herald from Mitch Colburn of Idaho Power touting their analysis that shows a need for the proposed B2H transmission line, may I please remind them of the following:
In a meeting in March of 2009, Mark Stokes, IPC’s power supply planning manager, stated that IPC had a need for increased transmission capability. Then on Feb. 5, 2015, (six years later), that same company (IPC) stated at a PURPA meeting in Idaho that there was no need, that IPC could meet their peak demands through 2021 and beyond … they won’t need anything. It has been recently learned that IPC is consistently under-reporting their energy conservation and over-forecasting their energy need. From information gathered from the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the question was asked: “How fast is electric demand increasing in the United States?” Answer: “It isn’t. Electric sales are flat. Total electricity sales fell in 2015 for the 5th time in the past eight (8) years.”
They (IPC) also speak of their regional partners for this proposed B2H project, i.e., Bonneville Power Administration and PacificCorp. As a participant in the video/phone conference before the Oregon Public Utility Commission on Thursday, Feb. 1, 2018, it came to light again at that conference, that, so far, neither PacificCorp nor Bonneville Power have agreed to construction. Idaho Power is asking to start preliminary construction before a site certificate is issued. No rules being followed here.
When the dams were built on the Snake River, one of the requirements was that fish ladders be constructed on these dams. Again, no rules followed here as IPC chose to build these dams without the required fish ladders. How they got away with the blatant disregard for those requirements is still very questionable.
The proof is in the pudding. Everything sounds rosy and peach-keen when presented by IPC, but, in light of the above, I question their integrity.
JoAnn Marlette
Baker City
Trying to figure out if men have equal rights
I noticed in the Herald that the ladies in La Grande are on the march for equal rights again this year. I am still trying to figure this out so I asked a retired deputy sheriff friend if men have any equal rights and he said yes, we do, we have the right to remain silent and also the right to retain an attorney. That’s good enough for me, so as soon as I finish the dishes, mop the kitchen floor and vacuum the carpet I am going to set down with my wife and explain that I am the head of the household.
P.S. I am writing this note by candlelight in the garage at 2 a.m. I don’t want to disturb anyone’s sleep.
Grover Mann
Baker City