Ashlyn Dalton places first at state in VFW essay contest

Published 6:00 am Monday, February 10, 2025

Ashlyn Dalton, a senior at Baker High School, placed first in Oregon for this year’s Voice of Democracy essay contest sponsored by the VFW.

Although students from Baker City have gone to state in the past for this contest, Dalton is the first to win at that level, said Mike Wilson, commander of VFW Post 3048.

This year’s essay theme was “Is America Today Our Forefathers’ Vision?” The contest is open to students in grades nine through 12, and is submitted as a three- to five-minute audio essay.

The VFW Post in Baker City received five entries, and Dalton placed first at the local level, then first at the district level, which includes posts in Baker City, Ontario, Halfway, La Grande, Union and Enterprise.

The state competition was Jan. 25 in Portland, and Dalton delivered her speech in person after the winners were announced.

“I was shocked,” she said of the first-place finish.

She’s no stranger to public speaking — Dalton participates in FBLA, and won at the state level as a freshman for intro to public speaking. She’s continued to compete in FBLA’s public speaking events through high school.

“I think it’s fun to memorize speeches,” she said.

When contemplating the Voice of Democracy prompt, she decided it was not a simple “yes” or “no” answer.

“There’s not really a clear answer to the question,” she said. “There are a lot of aspects that align, and some that don’t.”

Two points that do support the original vision, she wrote, are the pursuit of happiness and the strength of the national defense.

One aspect that doesn’t, she said, is the “contentious political party system.”

National competition

Now her essay competes at the national level March 2-6 in Washington, D.C., during the VFW Washington Conference.

Although it is a four-day event, Dalton can only attend a couple days due to basketball season. However, the experience includes a parade of the state essay winners, and tours of memorials, the White House and museums.

Cash prizes are awarded at each level of the contest. At the national level, each writer earns a prize, from $1,000 up to the first-place award of a $35,000 scholarship for a university or trade school.

Dalton, who won second at state in the VFW’s Patriot’s Pen essay when she was in sixth grade, said she’s thankful for the essay opportunities sponsored by the VFW, “and to the local post commanders for all their support.”
