Letter to the editor

Published 5:23 am Thursday, May 16, 2024

County Commission members should be primarily focused on issues relating to the local area. Some of these include economic stability, family wage jobs, affordable housing, emergency services, health care services, and education and training to sustain a vibrant workforce, etc.

A skillset that encourages voters to voice their opinions, the ability to address complex issues, the ability to respectfully engage with other local, state, and federal officials, and the desire to achieve outcomes beneficial to Baker County is crucial to success. To respectfully agree to disagree while remaining engaged is a skill learned over time. Shutting down the conversation if one doesn’t get his/her way is not a trait we need in our commissioners.

The right to vote is one of the most important rights in a free society. Casting one’s vote should require careful thought, analysis, and consideration. After studying both candidates for the vacant Baker County Commission seat, we have concluded that Michelle Kaseberg is not only the best qualified, but is also the best suited candidate for the position. Her leadership, collaboration, and communication abilities as well as her desire to serve the citizens of the county make Michelle far and away the best choice for Baker County commissioner.

Dave and Joyce Hunsaker

Baker City
