Letter: Thoughts on dogs and good neighbors
Published 3:00 am Saturday, May 25, 2024
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I am a resident in Dayville, a small town with a dangerous dog problem that has gone on for years. These dogs have attacked people, most recently a mother with two toddlers in her own driveway and on Mother’s Day of all days. They have killed a pregnant goat, several chickens and who knows what else. I would classify these dogs as dangerous.
Several complaints have been expressed and called in to our sheriff’s department for years over these dogs. Fines have been imposed, both from the city and the sheriff’s department. But still these dogs are out and about.
Our sheriff’s department has offered to try and help rehome these animals. Can you imagine an unsuspecting family adopting one of the harmful animals? We have been told that unless someone is hurt, there is nothing more the department can do.
A deputy has arrived several times to deal with these animals and absolutely refuses to take action, in one instance telling the victim they need to buy bear spray and be vigilant. Another instance was stated that, and I quote them: “We have already cited them this week. How would you feel if some one kept calling you in?”
The DA had a chance at this problem last year and chose not to pursue it. I have evidence that goes back several years on this same problem.
Please think of this problem that keeps resurfacing and the people who deal with these dogs daily and the animals lost. Then think about what is not being done about it. Also, all of this within a block or so from a K-12 school!
Lonnie Dickens