Baker Community Choir: More than 40 years of music

Published 11:00 am Monday, April 22, 2024

When a group of local women began taking voice lessons, LaVonne Yeoumans said it just made sense to start a choir.

And that, she said, is how the Baker Community Choir formed in 1981 thanks to voice teacher Donnola Johnson, along with Richard Torrance, who taught music at Baker High School, and Baker Middle School music teacher Mike Corbett.

“Between the three of them, that’s how we get started,” Yeoumans said.

The choir has had several directors over the years, including Tom Isaacson, Lynne Burroughs and Hannah Violette.

The group took a break for about four years, first due to the lack of a director, then the pandemic.

They returned to the stage in December 2023 to perform concerts during the Twinkle in Time weekend in Baker City. This month the singers present their spring concert with two performances — 7 p.m. Saturday, April 27 and 3 p.m. Sunday, April 28. Both are at the Baker Heritage Museum, 2480 Grove St.

Donations will be accepted at the door. The program, titled “America in Song,” includes patriotic, Americana and folk songs. The finale is a salute to all branches fo the military, and the choir has extended a special invitation to veterans.

The choir is co-directed by Lindianne Sappington and John Brockman. Pianists are Mary Black and Diana Pearson, and the choir will be joined by Dr. Logan Frederickson on trumpet, Sappington on viola and violin, and Amarina Wuenschel on violin.

A history of song

Yeoumans joined the choir in 1981, as did Bob and Sharon McKim. That trio remains mainstays on the choir roster, which numbers around 25.

“We have several new members this year, which is wonderful,” Yeoumans said.

For the first 15 years, Yeoumans said the choir averaged more than 50 members.

“It just took off and was wonderful,” Sharon McKim said. “I’ve just enjoyed singing with a group.”

All three said the choir has allowed them to meet people from the community they might not otherwise know.

“It’s an opportunity to socialize and get to know people from other walks of life,” Bob said.

Yeoumans said everyone is a volunteer, from the singers to the director and accompanists. The choir sponsored a children’s choir for several years, and did secure a grant to pay that director and accompanist.

With more than 40 years of performances, Yeoumans said the choir has performed a variety of music, from classical and religious to patriotic and Broadway shows. They’ve had some themed shows too, with “Around the World” and “Paint Your Wagon.”

Although they mostly perform in Baker City, she said they did give concerts in John Day two or three times.

The choir’s fall season begins in September and ends with concerts on the first weekend of December. This year, they started up again in February to rehearse for the spring show.

She encourages more people to consider joining the choir for next season.

“Anybody can come and be part of the choir,” she said. “You don’t have to audition, you don’t have to be an expert in music. It’s just a fun place, relaxed, to come and sing.”

Although the choir is open to all ages, youth who are younger than high school age must come with a parent. A $15 fee helps pay for music and covers rental of the museum ballroom for performances.

For more information about the choir, attend a concert or call Yeoumans at 541-403-0237 or 541-523-2347.
