BLM seeks public comments on proposal to allow expanded work on gold-mining claims south of Baker City
Published 6:45 am Wednesday, March 19, 2025
- Map shows proposed mining exploration work on claims near Bridgeport in southern Baker County.
The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public comments on a proposal to allow a miner to do more exploration work on placer gold claims near Bridgeport in southern Baker County.
The agency has released a draft environmental assessment for the Denton Gold Danser claims, which are on public land. If BLM officials approve the plan, the miner, Rick Denton, would be able to expand placer mining exploration of up to 100 acres across five sites over 16 years, according to a press release from the BLM’s Vale District.
The current limit is 5 acres. The BLM started processing Denton’s application in 2023.
Placer mining involves processing sand and gravel to separate the gold or other precious metal. It’s distinct from lode mining, where miners dig tunnels and shafts to access gold-bearing ore in solid rock.
The claims are just south of the intersection of Burnt River Canyon and Clarks Creek roads, about 30 miles south of Baker City.
This would include testing of historic tailings and digging areas, excavation pits and trenches, exploration test pits, processing areas, and two settling ponds. No blasting is proposed.
Denton would camp on public lands during the seasonal mining period. Once mining is complete at each site, Denton would close that site and begin reclamation to restore the disturbed areas as mining begins at the next site.
Project planning documents are available at the BLM National NEPA Register — — where comments can be submitted through the “Participate Now” option. Comments can also be emailed to or delivered to: BLM Baker Field Office, Attn. Denton Gold Danser EA, 3100 H St., Baker City, OR 97814. The comment period will close April 17.
For more information, email Jeremy Vargas at or call 541-473-3144.