Water damage likely will move next two Baker City Council meetings out of city hall

Published 10:10 am Thursday, January 30, 2025

The next two Baker City Council meetings will likely have to take place outside City Hall due to water damage caused when ice accumulated on the roof of the 122-year-old building at 1655 First St.

City Recorder Megan Langan said on Thursday, Jan. 30, that the city’s safety committee was doing a regular inspection of City Hall about three weeks ago when workers noticed apparent water damage in the basement.

Subsequent surveys showed similar damage in council chambers, on the second floor at the north end of city hall, and in a storage room in the finance office directly below council chambers.

Langan said city workers replacing heat tape on the roof found that ice had built up after the most recent rain and snow storms in early January. They dislodged the ice jams and there has been no new damage reported since, she said.

The Baker City Airport had record precipitation of 0.84 of an inch, mainly rain, on Jan. 3. That followed a snowfall of a few inches the day before.

There hasn’t been any measurable precipitation since Jan. 5.

Langan said the city’s insurance policy has a $1,000 deductible.

An outside company has been inspecting city hall to determine the extent of the damage, she said.

The most significant damage appears to be in council chambers, Langan said.

The council’s next two meetings are scheduled for Feb. 11 and Feb. 25.

Langan said she is looking for alternative venues for those meetings.

There are no other effects for the public at city hall, which remains open as usual.
