Letter to the editor for Nov. 11, 2024
Published 9:22 am Monday, November 11, 2024
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The election results from Baker County are a strong case for returning to a 5-day school week. The obvious ignorance both here and nationally is astounding. It begs the question. … is a large majority of our local citizens and half of American voters illiterate?
I only ask because if they could read at all they would know that they have just elected a convicted felon and undeniable con artist with not a single redeeming quality (go ahead I’ll give you a minute, no wait, I’ll give you a lifetime to find one) to the most powerful position in the world? The only plausible explanation is the inability to think for themselves because of the complete failure of our educational systems. Therefore they are perfect targets to feed racism, fear, hate and lies, they suck it up like mindless sponges.
The man can’t feed them enough racism for them to believe he is a racist. He can’t commit enough crimes to be a criminal. He can’t fail in business enough times to be a failure. He can’t say enough stupid things to be stupid. The great Christian savior can’t quote you one Bible verse. A promise to protect “whiteness” from imaginary forces always sucks in the blindly ignorant. And for those who knew he was the worst possible choice In history but ignored it so they could “own the libs,” you’ll never own anything but your spoon-fed hate and you’ll never got rid of the stench. I hope your sacrifice of our democracy serves you well. There’s no going forward anytime soon.
Sleep easy patriots.
Mike Meyer
Baker City