Letter: The election is a matter of values

Published 8:00 am Thursday, October 24, 2024

I have worked internationally for several decades, often in developing/Third World countries. One thing I learned is that in the USA, we decide who our leaders will be by our votes. Whether your candidate or a different one is selected by the vote, we live with the result. That is how our democracy works. Not so much in many countries in which I have worked.

On a recent morning, as I did my daily run, the barrage of political ads, political analyses and endless texts and emails requesting money came to mind. I stopped mid-stride and

thought about the content of these ads and political narratives and concluded that there is something fundamentally wrong with the behaviors of some candidates and “talking

heads.” Lying, bashing an opponent’s character, spreading false information about them, even using threats seems to be acceptable by some in today’s political process.

It is not! Would you accept your child lying, calling other kids names or bulling them? Is that acceptable behavior in your family? Do we really want our leaders to demonstrate to our children that it is OK to lie and cheat? That is exactly what we will be doing by voting for someone who is morally corrupt!

As a parent and grandparent, I am terrified that such values are becoming standard practice. What can we do about it? The answer is simple — use your vote to make a difference. Stop making decisions based on party. Look at the character of the candidates, and vote for those who demonstrate good values, are good citizens, who would model for our kids and grandkids, and who you would like to represent you!

Stephen Edwards

Baker City

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