Letter to the editor for Oct. 14, 2024

Published 9:00 am Monday, October 14, 2024

It has come to the attention of the Baker County Democrats that 40 Baker County citizens with Kamala Harris / Tim Walz signs in their yards have experienced theft and/or vandalism of the signs. We have also been made aware that there is a “trash” list of all addresses with signs, with the intent of easily locating these homes so the signs can be stolen or vandalized. Additionally, members of BC Democrats have reported a white pickup driving by and taking photos of their home. If you have information about this list or those involved, we would appreciate your support. Your name will be held in confidence.

We have contacted the Secretary of State’s office about this matter and been advised of Oregon law. Be aware that this is illegal. It is considered theft if taken, criminal mischief if damaged, and if motive can be proven, it could be considered a bias crime, as well as voter intimidation.

While misdemeanors, they carry legal and financial consequences.

Yard signs, in use since the John Quincy Adams election, represent the idealism of democracy as part of the election process. Expressing our support for a candidate or bill embraces our First Amendment right to free speech. Aside from being illegal in every state, stealing and vandalizing signs is the opposite of practicing constitutionally granted democracy.

Following are the steps Baker County Democrats will be taking immediately to protect those with signs from being subjected to crimes:

1. We are working with the 40 victims of these crimes to obtain surveillance videos when available.

2. We will attempt to identify the face and/or license plate of the person stealing and/or vandalizing signs.

3. Recordings will be delivered to Baker County Sheriff and the district attorney with a request that charges be brought against those identified in the videos.

We have also been advised that people are being given misinformation about ballot options. Voting options are the same for all voters, regardless of political party. They are:

• Mail-in

• Ballot drop

• In-person voting at Baker County Courthouse

Jeanie Zebrak

Baker City
