Letter: Where is Bentz getting his (mis)information?

Published 3:00 am Saturday, May 25, 2024

The comments of Congressman Cliff Bentz (R-Oregon) in Rick Haverinen’s April 13, 2024, story in the East Oregonian leads us to wonder where Bentz gets his information.

Bentz states he was “told the other day” that the moose population in northern Idaho “is now zero.” According to Idaho Fish and Game, the moose population in northern Idaho counties runs about 5,000-6,000 animals. Moreover, the department says ticks kill more moose than wolves do.

Bentz says the wolf population in Minnesota “has grown like weeds,” while deer populations have been “dramatically reduced.” According to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, between 2012 and 2022 the wolf population decreased by 12%, while the deer population increased by 5%.

The congressman further tells us that “wolves got into cattle and ran them off across the southeastern part of the state [Oregon].” This sweeping allusion implies there are no more cattle in Southeast Oregon. But according to the Oregon Department of Agriculture, there are more than 52,000 head of cattle in Klamath County alone.

As for the draconian claim by Mr. Bentz that wolves are “cold killers,” by this logic, eagles, ladybugs and domestic dogs are too. In Minnesota, it is estimated that dogs kill at least 50 times more head of livestock than wolves. I’m waiting for Bentz to offer a bounty on Fido, Fluffy and their murderous pals.

Ric Bailey

Winthrop, Washington
