Letter to the editor

Published 6:30 am Wednesday, May 8, 2024

For those of us that have lost a home to a fire, it is devastating. You lose physical memories, valued items, or maybe even a loved one – not to mention a place to live until a new home can be built (or remodeled if not a total loss).

Our family’s home on Old Wingville Road burned in March of 1982, prior to the formation of Baker Rural Fire Protection District. I remember my dad standing up at a dinner at the Wingville Grange saying we have to create a rural fire district or there will be more tragedies like this. Prior to our fire, I can remember at least three big house fires, and at least one life was lost. With the increase in houses that are being built in the district, it is more important than ever to keep our equipment up to date.

The increase in fuel, insurance, equipment, etc. continues to strap all districts. The district has seen an increase in volunteers, which is awesome. However, we do need to make sure they all have equipment and training to protect themselves and be able to do their job.

This levy is only asking for an increase for five years; the district has been conducting business on the same basis since it was formed in the early 1980s. They need our help.

Please join me in voting yes on Measure 1-123 to support Baker Rural Fire Protection District.

Michelle Kaseberg

Baker City
