Council to talk about COVID

Published 3:06 pm Monday, May 10, 2021

Baker City Council members will have a chance Tuesday evening, May 11, to query county officials about multiple topics related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Councilors will meet at 7 p.m. at City Hall, 1655 First St.

During their most recent meeting, on April 27, councilors discussed issues such as how COVID-19 case counts are determined, reasons that Baker County case rates increased recently, and ways that the city can potentially mitigate the effects of state restrictions based on the county’s risk level.

In a report to councilors for Tuesday’s meeting, City Manager Jon Cannon wrote that, in response to the councilors’ questions, he had spoken with county officials, who are overseeing the county’s response to the pandemic, and that they had agreed to attend the meeting and answer questions.

“This is an opportunity for the City and County to discuss united efforts to improve the situation regarding COVID within Baker City,” Cannon wrote in his report to councilors.

Over the past two weeks, Baker City Mayor Kerry McQuisten has been interviewed on several television and radio programs to talk about the resolution the Council passed, by a 5-2 vote, on March 23.

The resolution declares “an economic, mental health and criminal activity crisis due to the current COVID-related state emergency declaration and relating OSHA mandates and guidance.”

Although the resolution acknowledges that the city has “no legal ability to summarily flout these mandates, guidelines and enforcement by OSHA, and therefore cannot protect any local businesses from State-directed targeting, repercussions and penalties if such local business personally chooses to … ,” several other cities have either passed similar resolutions or discussed doing so in the wake of the publicity over Baker City’s action.

Other items on the council’s agenda for Tuesday include:

• A proposal to extend for five years the city’s contract with Baker Aircraft to serve as the fixed base operator at the city-owned Baker City Airport.

Under the current five-year contract, which expires June 30, 2021, the city pays the company $22,000 per year. Baker Aircraft is responsible for plowing snow off the runways as well as other maintenance. The company also offers charter flights, aircraft fueling and maintenance, and flight instruction.

The current contract includes a provision for up to two five-year extensions with Baker Aircraft, which is owned by Troy and Genevieve Woydziak.

• Approving a resolution authorizing the temporary closure of the Court Plaza, on Court Avenue between Main and Resort streets, for the weekly Baker City Farmers Market. The event is scheduled on Wednesdays starting June 2 and continuing through Oct. 31. The Court Plaza would be used between noon and 7 p.m.

• Approve proclamations declaring May as Mental Health Month and Wildfire Awareness Month.
